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Health & Safety
Health & Safety Form
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Farm/Company Name
Please enter your farm name
Block Name
Please enter the block name
Have you received a safety briefing from Southland Helicopters?
Are you aware of SHL procedures on working around helicopters?
Do you have any wires on your property? If so where?
Please provide more information of wire locations on your property
Please list any other hazards on your property that our pilots and ground crew need to be aware of?
Have you notified your neighbours of the application taking place? Do they have any concerns?
Have you notified any contractors that may be working on your property of the operation taking place?
Do you have anything else to add to ensure our employees are safe while operating on your property?
Upload your Health & Safety plan, farm maps, photos
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 10 files.
This questionnaire is valid for 12 months. Please contact us immediately if there are any changes within this time.
SHL Terms of Trade
I have read the SHL Terms of Trade ->
I agree to the SHL Terms of Trade
Please read and accept the SHL Terms of Service.
My tractor/loader is rated and capable of lifting the weight of the bags: I understand that:
I am to follow the Southland Helicopters crew instructions at all times
I need to drive forward and place the bag over top of the Helicopter bucket in a slow and smooth fashion
I am not to move the hydraulics once the bag is over the bucket
That once signalled by the Southland Helicopters crew to back away from the bucket, I do so in a slow and smooth fashion, watching that the bucket strops are not caught on the forks
When the helicopter is on the ground I will keep the tractor well clear
Forks are preferred for lifting the bags – no chains are to be used.
Bulk truck drivers
I have been briefed by Southland Helicopters crew on helicopter loading safety
I know how to stay clear of loaders
I know how to not get myself between the loader and the back of the truck
I will follow directions of the Southland Helicopters staff at all times
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Health & Safety